Saturday, 30 April 2011

1 month!

It's been a month since I started this blog, and I'm very proud. I have managed 10 posts in a month. I doubt I'll keep that up. Anywho... I decided to do something special for my 10th post, soooo... I took out an old friend from primary school who I had won from a chess tournament (sounds sad. BUT it was fun we got badges and medals! AND mascots. mini ones. but MASCOTS nonetheless). I took out my old friend Paco (random) the parrot and we went off on an adventure to the great dangers of the .... garden.

Paco's Adventure

Paco getting ready with his (handmade) expedition hat.

Paco exploring a bush

Paco posing for a picture in the bush.

Paco resting on a garden lamp.

Paco telling me off for taking a photo of him resting (he said it was embarassing that he had to take a rest for a 2 minute climb and didn't want others to know. OOPS)

Paco imitating an average bird eating from the bird feed. 

Paco's explanation. 
(We were allowed to choose mascots when we got a certain amount of points in our chess match. So I chose the parrot because in the past I had got others. The 'Fluttery is meant to be Flattery (little joke) and it refers to chess as well as real life. In chess it's good to copy your opponents move because your opponent doesn't know whether your going to copy them in the next move or not. CLEVER RIGHT! i only just got that after around 3 years!) 

Paco flying free!!!

Thank You for joining Paco's Adventure.
Keep Following.

Friday, 29 April 2011


Weddings are lovely occasions. The joining of two people on their very special day... okay a too soppy. But, it's true. I have had the joy of attending two weddings and an after reception but I still wait to experience an INDIAN WEDDING. (I'm waiting for my cousin to get married! her wedding is going to be awesome, so she says...).
SOooooo. As today was the royal wedding, I thought it would be reasonable to do a post on weddings, as I ponder on this topic I wonder what part of  weddings I should talk about. The guests. The scene. The flowers??? soooooo... In honour of the royal wedding here is a collection of unique
wedding CAKES. Yum.

Pile of Cushions Wedding cake
Very extravagant, lots of icing, I believe the flowers are edible too, anything is possible these days!

Van Gogh Wedding Cake
Adaptation of 'Starry Night' by the famous painter. Even more icing!

Mario and Princess Peace Wedding Cake
This is so cute, I wonder how it all balances???

Santa Sleigh Wedding Cake
I don't know what to call this one, it's on a sleigh frame pulled by reindeers... any ideas???

Cupcake Tier Wedding Cake
LOTS OF CAKE, aren't the butterflies sweet! 

Self Portcake Wedding Cake
te he. See what i did? This lady had her wedding cake made like her. Not sure WHY, but i guess it made her wedding special.

In the Castle...
A perfect wedding cake for the new couple,  for Kate (now to be called Catherine) is moving into a princess life (duchess really), so I thought a castle cake would fit perfect for their wedding reception.

Castle Wedding Cake


This is my favourite castle.

Unfortunately, Kate had a different idea for her wedding cake and it is said that she guided the cake team from the beginning. Cake maker, Fiona Cairns, was given commission???, i suppose that's permission to make the cake, she said she was excited and priveledged. Fiona Cairns cake will be the focal point of the reception, which is taking place at Buckingham palace. Kate Middleton also insisted that there be edible flowers on the cake - an English Rose, a Scottish Thistle, a Welsh daffodil and an Irish shamrock(I think that's a clover). Fiona Cairns admitted that it would be multi tiered, have no colour but cream and white icing and it would be a traditional cake but with a modern and delicate touch. It is said that there would be two cakes at their wedding, which explains the other cake I found. 
So without further ado, here is their first cake....
Royal Wedding cake
It's so beautiful and elegant. Just as a royal cake should be.

   There's the thistle, daffodil, shamrock (clover)                          ... and there's the English Rose.
Royal Wedding cakeRoyal Wedding cake
Here is the second cake, but it isn't as pretty. I suppose this is the Modern one.
Royal Wedding cake
Apparently, new in, this  is Prince William's favourite, it's a posh version. Basically, this cake was his choice. It's a royal SECRET RECIPE and Kate has been allowed to learn the recipe now!

I wish I was there, it all went perfect and her dress was more than stunning (her train should have been longer, it would have been cool if it took the whole abbey :D). Well, there you have it, an interesting assortment of cakes and... more cakes. I hope them both a very good marriage, not that they'll see this :s. Oh well. Congratulations.


... wilt thou keep following this blog as a loyal reader... ('I will')

Friday, 22 April 2011

My mother's apprentice...

Happy Good Friday people of blogworld. Is that what you say on Good Friday. Oh well.
I woke up at a staggering 8.03 a.m. today and now I'm boiling in my sunshine filled room (seriously you can get sunburnt in here, it almost happened once when i was reading by the window for ages... my back went REALLY red). But all is OK, I've turned the fan on and I'm sitting in the shade, which is a shame because I should be in the sun but the heat is toooo much anyway.

So, i wake up this morning and begin to READ (why i don't know), well i was waiting for something on TV so i thought why don't i read till then. I start reading on my lovely big bed and i get all comfy and then.... rumbleeeee. I'M HUNGRY. I asked my parents what was for breakfast and I came up with the idea of a SPANISH OMELETTE. yum! We had everything in the house. Eggs. Tomatoes. Onion. Whatever else was needed. But then i decided I wanted to try a Cheese Omelette, unfortunately we had no Cheese in the house. I KNOW. It's awful. Worry not, because we then decided to go to Sainsburys and i proudly wore my walking boots though there wasn't much need because..

  1. They don't need that much wearing in.
  2. It's not a 2 mile trek to Sainsburys
  3. MY FEET WERE GOING TO BOIL (they didn't I'd worn them quite loose)
At Sainburys we actually bought more than we came for, which is unusual because we don't normally do that... although it did mean that I got an EASTER EGG. This is big for me because my family don't really celebrate easter and we hardly get any eggs, but now we have  a HUGE Malteser one :D.

After coming home I got set on making my omelette with an addition of HAM. (Sorry vegetarians, but a substitute can be mushrooms). My firste priority was getting my mum out of the kitchen otherwise she would keep on interrupting my creative cooking flowwwww..  by telling me to not-do-this and do-this....
Though, once she told me something worthwhile, then i kicked her out the kitchen. So here is my wonderful creation, i was V. proud of it.

This is my Dad's omelette. I made 4 in the end because i had a lot of egg to start with.

This looks more proffessional 'a mon avi'. he he

Here is MY OMELETTE.  (omelettes. i wasn't being greedy. i just made 2 small ones :D)

GIF animations generator

And with that it was gone....
C'etait tres delichhhhh.
One of the best parts was that my mum thinks I'm going to be like her, hence the title. I am my mother's apprentice, learning from each of her dishes. I've learnt to make pasta as well, ok i knew how but i never tried it out. PLUS. I have perfected the art of Maggi Noodles. : ))))))
I've been informed by my mother that our garden has a new flower so i shall be taking photos of that now. Goodbyeee.
Happy Holidays..
Keep Following

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Fun Fun Fun.... Revision????

It's been a while, I meant to post sometime last week actually, but revision came in the way... I didn't do much though : I
From my previous list of things I need to do I have completed few of my objectives.

  • I've read 3 books and I'm in the middle of another 2 : )
  • Not much revision .... :( BUT I will. I've done most of my orals and RE and Geog Revision sooo.... OK fine I admit it's not that good.
  • I have been up to ALOT of photography.
For instance I went to Bushy Park last week and went exploring into one of the gates (It felt like an adventure!). Here are some pictures I took... (the good ones)

Pretty Swan... : )

I Love this one... it was like it posed for me.

Not in Bushy Park, outside somewhere....

In the Garden...

This was a little experiment...

 a glass of Fizzy Cranberry.................     + and COLD ice cube............................ = FIZZZZZZZZzzzzz...

  • Croatia Portfolio of ASDAN... hmm. Well, I've looked at it and I've figured out each section and module and now all i have to do is write it out and find EVIDENCE (this will probably make sense to those who are doing it, to those of you who aren't you can pretend or take in the knowledge... you've learnt about ASDAN portfolios : ) yay)
  • LETTERS... this has gone very well, I've written 3!!! letters. I've replied to Rach and I recieved a letter from another friend (I don't know whether she wants to be named) and I've written that tooo :D, I need to send them off soon... Plus I wrote a letter for my future self, it was very fun I would recommend it. It's quite an in sighter, I found out all the things I want to do in hope that when i read it I would have achieved some of these. As for blogs, this is the first post in my Holidays!
  • Shopping!!!! I have bought most of my Croatia Kit, which is good, I believe I'm going to buy some more today with my Mummy. Unfortunately, I haven't bought any STATIONERY, although its extremely important. Anyhow, on Sunday it is my understanding that we are going to Bicester Village! so I hope to do alot of shopping there, but there won't be any WhSmith there so I can forget buying stationery.
  • Relaxing, yh I did that once, I just slept, while listening to an audiobook. FUN. te he
  • Doodling.... well I can't be bothered to draw up the collection and colour it to be REALLY cool but i have drawn it all about 10 times, now all i have to do is scan something in. and NOW I have. If i get time in the future I want to make it EVEN cooler, but i don't know how to yet so this will have to do!
  • Watching stuff.... I've DEFINITELY done that. Valentines Day was good, but I've seen better, IE '27 Dresses' it's soooo good. 
  • Sleeping, well yh I've done that. Lovely mornings, although I haven't exactly woken up late. I always end up waking up at 9.30 no matter what time i got to bed, unless it's like... no I woke up by 9.30 then too. hmm

 Anyway... have a good holiday everyone, well what's left of it. There's only 4 DAYS LEFT!!!! :(
and then +2 WEEKS = EXAMS. Oh well, exams are better than assessments and homework, you can get something out of exams, homework is just something teachers give us to stop us from doing other stuff. Sorry. I'm being very harsh about homework.
Keep Following

Friday, 8 April 2011

What to do... or what not to do... that is the question?

I would just like to say, this title has inspired by MS (Mummy Sow).
So, it's the start of the EASTER HOLIDAYS... i smell PASTA.
As I was saying, before the smell of PASTA filled the room, IT'S EASTER and we have Holidays now !!!
Exciting, thrilling and..... BORING!!
I have nothing to do, ok COMPLETELY UNTRUE... even a LIE. I have quite a bit to do:

  1. Reading - 4 books to get through this holiday. nope, 5 my dad added an extra to my list!
  2. Revising - I cant be bothered to count the number of subjects i have to get through
  3. Photographing - I hope to be out and about taking snaps (te he, snaps is a funny word for a photo!) of LOADS of different things, animals, places, people, objects, Scenery... that's more for art homework.
Which reminds me, for our last lesson of the term, our art lesson was very suitable seeing as we got to go OUTSIDE in the SUN to.... PAINT??? but it was a lot of fun, we were doing Impressionism. We had to paint this....
There was a lot more sun when we did it.

Unfortunately, well fortunately really, I cannot bring myself to scan in my attempts even though they have been put in the printer and are ready to be scanned (actually, I can't be bothered) However, I will encourage people to go out and PAINT, it looks even cooler if you line it with black pen, like we did in the lesson!

Where was I...
  1. EURGH i can't start from 4!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. That's better. I also need to attempt some of my portfolio for Croatia because there is a lot that needs doing!
  5. Writing letters and blogs! I have to reply to Rach's letter and I will update my blog as soon as I can, but I am afraid that if I post too often then people won't have a chance to read. Oh well.
  6. SHOPPING. I have major shopping to do, not just for Croatia or clothes I <3 but for STATIONERY. As some people may know from some conversations, the contents of my pencil case has been going missing lately, and I think the holidays would be a brilliant time to top up and keep STOCK of pens and other equipment in case the contents of my pencil case decides that it wants to go on an adventure again!
  7. RELAX - I don't think I can do that. I have to be doing SOMETHING otherwise it's just BORING. My relaxing is either sleeping or doing something that doesn't involve WORK, such as blogging (fun), going outside (fun), reading (, writing letters (fun), shopping (fun but can get tiring if one doesn't have a break and snack), watching TV and Movies (entertaining and fun... don't worry this will come up in my list), talking to friends (in sighting), doodling (fun and creative)..... ok, the list will go on so i think I'll stop there. I hope you see, I CAN't relax PROPERLY, unless that's your definition of relaxing!
  8. Doodling - I have a whole collection to draw up, scan and post on my 'Letters-Animals' page. Look out for it.
  9. Watching stuff - I'm not gonna take too long on this because my parents might read this. Yh, i have Valentines Day to watch, which I got it for my birthday : ) !!!
  10. SLEEP - I need to do a lot of this to make up for the hours i spent on my RE and HISTORY, when i stayed up till around 2 or so. (suggested for others (MS)... you know who you are!)
I think 10 is a good number of things that I need to do, although a MAJOR obejctive would be to tidy up, my room has become cluttered with bags and books. Acutally, I'd like to call it organised chaos, because my books are all in a pile and my bags are in a line, but I just need to sort them out and put them away!
I would now like to take this opportunity in saying how EXCITED I AM. I have shown signs of excitement before, but this is very special because I am getting the skirt i have wanted from Hollister. Previously, I had also been after a skirt, but I am sooooo glad I couldn't get it. This one is way better.... and I'm getting it for half price... well I only have to pay for Half of it. It's a present, I'm not meant to know what it is... but i do... but I'm gonna act surprised!!!! :OOOOOO. 

I think it is very cute and have been looking for a navy skirt since forevaaaaaaaaa!
What further news do I have to tell... well there is the fun time my friends and I (4 of us) had in pizza express talking about peanut butter, but Lechar has ALREADY taken that topic from me! or I could talk about how we both have the same dress but in different colours. or I could blog about my adventure today.

Yep, that's right, i felt like a SPY... influence from the book I'm reading. I sort of got locked out of my house, I forgot/lost my keys so I couldn't get into my house. BUT, i figured out a way. It was quite satisfying because in the end I got inside. However, there was the mystery as to where my keys went. I'd looked everywhere in the house.. okay not everywhere, just where they could have been. i.e. on the shoe rack place, the stairs or kitchen. Can you guess where they were...             ......                .... okay I'm gonna tell you. It's really annoying because as soon as I reached the front step I'd checked my bag and had taken everything out but didn't find the keys. Then my dad comes home and tells me to empty out my bag, so I Tipped out my bag and..... the KEYS fell out. So I went through everything for NOTHING.... but it was LOADS OF FUN!!!
Sorry, I feel like I rambled on a bit there.
Keep Following and HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY!!!!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Sitting in the garden...

I'm sorry I have not posted in a while, well 3 DAYS, but I just didn't have anything to say. But I am determined to write about something today, so here I am. Sitting in my Garden....
My garden is a wonderful place really, there's daffodils drooping, a cut up tree, empty plant pots... ok not soo nice then... it'll be better once my mum starts gardening, although i doubt that'll happen this year, she seems very busy. OH BUT... we do have lavender growing, a bush of yellow flowers  AND GRASSSSS!
I just finished another cuppa of tea, yummmmmm :P I hear.... birds chirping, oh yh, that's another thing, the amount of chirps i hear is always increasing as the days go by. Let me count...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.... EURGH it just keeps going. our next door neighbour has pigeons.... oh I think I hear a parrot, oh no I see it, it's really pretty :O.... as i was saying, they (he, the father of the family. They each own a pet, i think the parrot is a family pet... YEH its a zoo in there, they used to have a SNAKE AND A HAMSTER, but the hamster did not last long, you can imagine why???) have pigeons, but they sound a bit like owls, theyre hooooooting now.

This is what i see. If i moved my head i can see more...

To my Left....

To my right....


down.... te he :)

BIRDS MAKE SOOO MUCH NOISE, that's all hear besides, my typing, the wind chime next door (quite soothing), the odd bus and plane oh and car alarm???, the wind swaying the trees and the chattering from people in the garden behind (theyre having a tea party)
Finally, they've quitened down... I was trying to get a good picture of one of the birds, i think they are parakeets, they are GREEN.
te he, I'm trying to imitate their chirps, REALLY DIFFICULT, but i think i have the whistle and owl/ pigeon hoot in the bag.
and another one :(((((
HEHEHE i hear my next door neighbour ask her daughter, 'do you have spare hangers in her room?'
:))))))))))))))))) (that's me laughing btw)
I'm still trying to get a good picture of the birds, but i guess it's going to be hard... so I'll try that later.
Here are some of my attempts, but the camera couldn't zoom in enough so sorry about that. There are two in the tree, at the top.

Here they are, circled in red!

Here's a picture of what my camera could not acquire...

I think?

Anyway, it's getting kind of cold now, plus I'm wearing short shorts, so my legs are a little cold, but that's because the sun is sort of directed towards the back of the garden and not at me anymore :(
Oh well, i think this is a good time to intorduce ICE then, seeing as it's getting cold. WOW, that's perfect, before i came out and started my blog, or ANYTHING AT ALL, i made myself a nice cuppa of tea (Lemon and Lime), and I had been advised to out ice cubes in too. However, our freezer was a little full, so i could not. BUT FEAR NOT, because after a little shifting of peas (THEY WERE IN THE TOP DRAWER  - THEY ARE MEANT TO GO IN THE BOTTOM :O), a roll of garlic bread and packets of prawns, I made room. So I left he ice cube tray in the freezer and went off to have a shower and get ready with for blog. I came back, and i wasn't expecting the ice cubes to be done but some how they were. OR SO I THOUGHT THEY WERE, i could see a bubble in a few of them, but i expected that. 
I took out one and it sort of crumbled, IT HAD JUST FROZEN OVER THE TOP. i tried another and then same thing happened, but then i got lucky and i took out one that came out HALF, okay so maybe not tooo lucky. I thought it looked REALLY KL, because there was nothing inside it, just the outline of it, if you can say that for a 3D object??? Coincidently, my camera was next to me, and my immediate response was BLOG ITTTT!
so here i am, BLOGGING ABOUT ICE, I am sooo wierd

that's two halves put together. Ohhhh, It could be an illusion picture!

I tried a few others, but most of them cracked, until i tried one at the end, by now i had got the hang of how to handle the ice so it didn't crumble and = A FULL ONE

I all its glory!!!!

so there's my 5th post??? I can't remember how many i've done now. It's sooo relaxing and calm, ESPECIALLY, if you sit in you garden. I have to finish my RS Homework, i sort of did half of it and then left it because it was boring :S
OH, look out for my Letter-Animals collection of drawings, which will be published on my BLOG sometime soon I HOPE. For a sneek peak visit Mary's Blog at....
She has the exclusive one that I first came up with, from the letter 'S'. OHHH, ITS ON HER BLOG. I FEEL SOOO HAPPY!!!! : )
Over and Out.... (heheh Lechar... I'm a spy!) 
Keep Following, I'm abbreviating that to KPAC (the AC is AND COMMENT)
P.S. Have you voted in my Poll??? only 3 days left to go.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sunny Days and Happy moments.

Happy Mothers Day, well to my mum.
Hello, today has been a lovely day,  the sun was shining, the weather was calm, it was mother's day, my dad's birthday and the sun was shining (not so much now :I)
I read over my previous post, and realised, I MADE SO MANY MISTAKES, so i apologise for that, i was writing it as i was seeing it in my head so some of sounds a bit wierd. Anyhow, here are some lovely pictures i took in my garden this morning while the sun was high in the sky.

Pretty Ladybird - i took it on my hand and it started scuttering about - it was quite cute

I particularly like this one.

My shoes - What's the blob on the white bit? :S

I was experimenting with a mirror, it's a reflection.


I was experimenting here too, our garden is south facing so the sun comes straight.
So with the mirror i faced it towards the sun, you can see the outcome.

The light in this picture was made from light reflecting of the mirror above. Pretty awesome.

For lunch my parents decided we should go out.... so we did. It was lovely weather, we went to a pub in Teddington by the river. After lunch we went for a walk over the bridge and to the canal gate place  i don't know what its called. There was this really cute dog there, he  was a quarter of 4 different breeds, can't remember which ones though.

He had a Life Jacket - SO CUTE!!!

The lady was funny,
                      she said 'I don't mean to be rude or pushy but if you take a photo with my dog please can you donate some money to the cause', which i thought i was funny and a little rude, but she had a point.
Isn't he soo cute, he was just walking around in circles between tables and legs, minding his own business... while everyone else watched him :)

Well, that was my Sunday, my mum's Mother's Day and My dad's Birthday!
Keep Following