Friday, 8 April 2011

What to do... or what not to do... that is the question?

I would just like to say, this title has inspired by MS (Mummy Sow).
So, it's the start of the EASTER HOLIDAYS... i smell PASTA.
As I was saying, before the smell of PASTA filled the room, IT'S EASTER and we have Holidays now !!!
Exciting, thrilling and..... BORING!!
I have nothing to do, ok COMPLETELY UNTRUE... even a LIE. I have quite a bit to do:

  1. Reading - 4 books to get through this holiday. nope, 5 my dad added an extra to my list!
  2. Revising - I cant be bothered to count the number of subjects i have to get through
  3. Photographing - I hope to be out and about taking snaps (te he, snaps is a funny word for a photo!) of LOADS of different things, animals, places, people, objects, Scenery... that's more for art homework.
Which reminds me, for our last lesson of the term, our art lesson was very suitable seeing as we got to go OUTSIDE in the SUN to.... PAINT??? but it was a lot of fun, we were doing Impressionism. We had to paint this....
There was a lot more sun when we did it.

Unfortunately, well fortunately really, I cannot bring myself to scan in my attempts even though they have been put in the printer and are ready to be scanned (actually, I can't be bothered) However, I will encourage people to go out and PAINT, it looks even cooler if you line it with black pen, like we did in the lesson!

Where was I...
  1. EURGH i can't start from 4!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. That's better. I also need to attempt some of my portfolio for Croatia because there is a lot that needs doing!
  5. Writing letters and blogs! I have to reply to Rach's letter and I will update my blog as soon as I can, but I am afraid that if I post too often then people won't have a chance to read. Oh well.
  6. SHOPPING. I have major shopping to do, not just for Croatia or clothes I <3 but for STATIONERY. As some people may know from some conversations, the contents of my pencil case has been going missing lately, and I think the holidays would be a brilliant time to top up and keep STOCK of pens and other equipment in case the contents of my pencil case decides that it wants to go on an adventure again!
  7. RELAX - I don't think I can do that. I have to be doing SOMETHING otherwise it's just BORING. My relaxing is either sleeping or doing something that doesn't involve WORK, such as blogging (fun), going outside (fun), reading (, writing letters (fun), shopping (fun but can get tiring if one doesn't have a break and snack), watching TV and Movies (entertaining and fun... don't worry this will come up in my list), talking to friends (in sighting), doodling (fun and creative)..... ok, the list will go on so i think I'll stop there. I hope you see, I CAN't relax PROPERLY, unless that's your definition of relaxing!
  8. Doodling - I have a whole collection to draw up, scan and post on my 'Letters-Animals' page. Look out for it.
  9. Watching stuff - I'm not gonna take too long on this because my parents might read this. Yh, i have Valentines Day to watch, which I got it for my birthday : ) !!!
  10. SLEEP - I need to do a lot of this to make up for the hours i spent on my RE and HISTORY, when i stayed up till around 2 or so. (suggested for others (MS)... you know who you are!)
I think 10 is a good number of things that I need to do, although a MAJOR obejctive would be to tidy up, my room has become cluttered with bags and books. Acutally, I'd like to call it organised chaos, because my books are all in a pile and my bags are in a line, but I just need to sort them out and put them away!
I would now like to take this opportunity in saying how EXCITED I AM. I have shown signs of excitement before, but this is very special because I am getting the skirt i have wanted from Hollister. Previously, I had also been after a skirt, but I am sooooo glad I couldn't get it. This one is way better.... and I'm getting it for half price... well I only have to pay for Half of it. It's a present, I'm not meant to know what it is... but i do... but I'm gonna act surprised!!!! :OOOOOO. 

I think it is very cute and have been looking for a navy skirt since forevaaaaaaaaa!
What further news do I have to tell... well there is the fun time my friends and I (4 of us) had in pizza express talking about peanut butter, but Lechar has ALREADY taken that topic from me! or I could talk about how we both have the same dress but in different colours. or I could blog about my adventure today.

Yep, that's right, i felt like a SPY... influence from the book I'm reading. I sort of got locked out of my house, I forgot/lost my keys so I couldn't get into my house. BUT, i figured out a way. It was quite satisfying because in the end I got inside. However, there was the mystery as to where my keys went. I'd looked everywhere in the house.. okay not everywhere, just where they could have been. i.e. on the shoe rack place, the stairs or kitchen. Can you guess where they were...             ......                .... okay I'm gonna tell you. It's really annoying because as soon as I reached the front step I'd checked my bag and had taken everything out but didn't find the keys. Then my dad comes home and tells me to empty out my bag, so I Tipped out my bag and..... the KEYS fell out. So I went through everything for NOTHING.... but it was LOADS OF FUN!!!
Sorry, I feel like I rambled on a bit there.
Keep Following and HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY!!!!


Anonymous said...

Atleast you found the keys...
Please scan in your painting from art!!

ami said...

who is this
is it MS

Mary Lee said...

Aww such a cute skirt, i can imagine you wearing it teheh. aha i'm so so proud i've done all my geog notes haha and you@?

ami said...

Well donee!!
I havent even started...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on me blog :)

My painting was terrible.

I'm glad you are FINALLY getting that skirt you've been fawning for ages. haha

YaeJin said...

I have seven books to get through. 6 of them Rachel Phillips. EURGH. I can't give them back until I've read them. Apparantly (:P) x

ami said...

good luck how many habe you read
ive read 2 of mine and ive started the 3rd... which i think is V. amazing because i hardly get through one book in the summer hols!!!
Have a good holiday

how much revision have you done/planning on doing???