Good Morning
Buenos Dias
Gouten Tag
Ni Hao
kk that's enough hellos :)
i realise i should have written this yesterday but i couldnt be bothered.
so im really excited because ITS MY PARTY today and im looking forward to SHOOTING SOME LASERS :)
.... oh and seeing what me friends came up with yesterday in Kingston.
Thats quite an interesting story actually.
Yesterday, after school, my friends went into Kingston to buy my present, BUT I KNEW... well thats a long story too but its not very interesting so I'll leave that one. anyway, i had to go into Kingston as well to buy my mums mothers day present and my dad's B-Day present, THEYRE ON THE SAME DAY - and it was my job to get the present for BOTH of them because the OTHER COULDN't ok, my dad could but he told me to get it, but my mum well...
So we split when we got into Kingston, I was on my own free to wander (I always was but I kind of HAD to wander away from them and so i did I THOUGHT AT least)
Id got my Mum's present and was going up to paperchase to get a card for my dad, which was sooooo cute - it had four cups of tea with a hamster in each and 'FOUR-TEA' was written on top because that's the age my daddy turning.
Then I wondered whether i could get him anything else from Paperchase seeing as i was there, oh AND i needed to keep in mind that i had to leave at 4 or so.
SO what could i get him....
Bookmark! Na, i always get him bookmarks, he has a collection from all the places i've been to.
A Pen!! - We all have too many of those.
Pass Case!!! - did i really think this, HE HAS A WALLET, plus i doubt he's one for blue leaves, this wasn't even in the shop!
I could buy him a book - my dad LOVES books he's always giving me books to read, lately he got a book called Rich Dad Poor Dad.... FOR TEENS. He wants me to read it but I'm busy reading another book with Rachel gave me. Its really good btw rachel, i didnt read very much yesterday but they just lost Mr. Smith in the carnival fair place. As i was saying, sorry i have a HUGE tendency to drift of, so i came up with a book. Off I went to WHSmith to find my daddy a book.I reached there and then realised WHAT BOOK. another Lightbulb moment. By dad has been looking for this book called '501 Must-See Destinations' (its pretty cool) and i thought i could get that for him, i mean somethings better than nothing.
But I didn't have time to look through so i went to the customer service lady and asked her, but i didn't really need her because as soon as we turned around THERE IT WAS on the shelf in front. I was soo pleased, i was literally jumping inside and shaking because then i realised i didn't have enough money because i bought my dad a card i was £1 short!!!
I thought, and thought and shook and shook, but then decided I should leave it, actually i thought i might come the next day (impossible but its the thought that counts right, well i THOUGHT about getting it for him).
so i walked out of Bentalls, a little upset and disappointed, i was at the exit and the bus came, which i odd because the buses in Kingston NEVER come on time. I was about to get on the bus, but i was still thinking. Then i thought some more, got out of the queue for the bus and rushed back inside, I'd forgotten the ability to RETURN and REFUND (you can probably see i dont shop a lot, and if i do i always know EXACTLY what i want to get, so i don't really use the Return and refund part). UP the stairs to Paperchase, i don't understand why i didn't use the escalator but oh well.
so i walked in, only to be dragged by Rach to the card section because Sow was buying my pressie!!!
Thank You people, i was worried you wouldn't BUY ANYTHING from Paperchase.
So yh, they left and i think Randre was buying her mothers day card stuff because i was allowed to see that, OH and i SAW A HOLLISTER BAG, which is also good. Oh im soo excited for this afternoon.
anyway, i got in the queue quickly (alliteration) and returned the card, which was actually a longer process than i expected.
Then i rushed down to WHSmith, it was quite an adventure really because i wasn't sure whether someone else had taken the book by now, but thankfully no one was interested in WHSmith today and it was still there, so i BOUGHT IT. phew...
well i hope you found that interseting... oh and then i left for swimming, i was 15 mins late but that was fine because i always reach early.
Soooooo.... i had quite an interesting day, as i also made a BLOG, which makes it also very productive.
Oh and we (Swimming peeps (K wasnt there, dont know why) found out who our swimming teachers son is, well one of them, he has a VERY KL NAME, i think it was Ronan, how sweet. He's 12, i dont know why im telling you this..
oh well, im a bit stupid when it comes to wrapping presents, i guess i was in a hurry, i needed to wrap them both before my parents came back home and I LEFT THE LABEL ON THE BOOK, it was reduced by £15 so it was only £10 which was how i could get it because i didn't have enough money for anything else. I'm also planning on making breakfast for them tomorrow morning, although really they should treat me BECAUSE I GOT EVERYTHING, eurgh im being selfish now. I'm still making them breakfast tomorrow dont worry.
FINISHED my second post, sorry its soo long, i thought it was quite gripping, even more exciting it has PICS, you already know that.
well, byee
Keep Following
When is your Dad's birthday, mine is the 6th :)
Do you mean your dad's is the 6th
in which case this is MS
its tomoz as a matter of fact, all the reason for the Lightbulb and rush
who is MS?
who is this
MS is mummy sow, we agreed thats her code name for anonymous comments
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