Friday, 29 April 2011


Weddings are lovely occasions. The joining of two people on their very special day... okay a too soppy. But, it's true. I have had the joy of attending two weddings and an after reception but I still wait to experience an INDIAN WEDDING. (I'm waiting for my cousin to get married! her wedding is going to be awesome, so she says...).
SOooooo. As today was the royal wedding, I thought it would be reasonable to do a post on weddings, as I ponder on this topic I wonder what part of  weddings I should talk about. The guests. The scene. The flowers??? soooooo... In honour of the royal wedding here is a collection of unique
wedding CAKES. Yum.

Pile of Cushions Wedding cake
Very extravagant, lots of icing, I believe the flowers are edible too, anything is possible these days!

Van Gogh Wedding Cake
Adaptation of 'Starry Night' by the famous painter. Even more icing!

Mario and Princess Peace Wedding Cake
This is so cute, I wonder how it all balances???

Santa Sleigh Wedding Cake
I don't know what to call this one, it's on a sleigh frame pulled by reindeers... any ideas???

Cupcake Tier Wedding Cake
LOTS OF CAKE, aren't the butterflies sweet! 

Self Portcake Wedding Cake
te he. See what i did? This lady had her wedding cake made like her. Not sure WHY, but i guess it made her wedding special.

In the Castle...
A perfect wedding cake for the new couple,  for Kate (now to be called Catherine) is moving into a princess life (duchess really), so I thought a castle cake would fit perfect for their wedding reception.

Castle Wedding Cake


This is my favourite castle.

Unfortunately, Kate had a different idea for her wedding cake and it is said that she guided the cake team from the beginning. Cake maker, Fiona Cairns, was given commission???, i suppose that's permission to make the cake, she said she was excited and priveledged. Fiona Cairns cake will be the focal point of the reception, which is taking place at Buckingham palace. Kate Middleton also insisted that there be edible flowers on the cake - an English Rose, a Scottish Thistle, a Welsh daffodil and an Irish shamrock(I think that's a clover). Fiona Cairns admitted that it would be multi tiered, have no colour but cream and white icing and it would be a traditional cake but with a modern and delicate touch. It is said that there would be two cakes at their wedding, which explains the other cake I found. 
So without further ado, here is their first cake....
Royal Wedding cake
It's so beautiful and elegant. Just as a royal cake should be.

   There's the thistle, daffodil, shamrock (clover)                          ... and there's the English Rose.
Royal Wedding cakeRoyal Wedding cake
Here is the second cake, but it isn't as pretty. I suppose this is the Modern one.
Royal Wedding cake
Apparently, new in, this  is Prince William's favourite, it's a posh version. Basically, this cake was his choice. It's a royal SECRET RECIPE and Kate has been allowed to learn the recipe now!

I wish I was there, it all went perfect and her dress was more than stunning (her train should have been longer, it would have been cool if it took the whole abbey :D). Well, there you have it, an interesting assortment of cakes and... more cakes. I hope them both a very good marriage, not that they'll see this :s. Oh well. Congratulations.


... wilt thou keep following this blog as a loyal reader... ('I will')


Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the cakes. They just take my breath away. I can't even imagine eating and spoiling any of them! I think the cushion, castle and white royal wedding cakes are my favourite :)

ami said...

Wasn't the royal wedding sooooo sweet yesterday.
Im soo happy for them

Anonymous said...

The cushion one is my favourite :)

YaeJin said...

I starving now. :)

girls who like to gorge said...

All these cakes look fabulous!!! :) xx