Thursday, 9 February 2012


Snow is a form of precipitation (stuff falling from the sky) on the Earth's atmosphere in the form of crystalline water ice i.e. pretty snowflakes that fall from clouds (probably not white, but grey by the time it snows, but we'll never know because dunno if you've noticed but you can't seeeeeeee the clouds when it snows, it's like they disappear.). Snow is a granular material because it is composed of small ice particles (as in frozen water), with an open and soft structure; unless packed by external pressure (like for snowballs :P). snowflakes come in a variety of shapes and sizes (but not in the shape of animals, vehicles or people. They are also symmetrical :D) when a snowflake falls in the form of a ball due to melting and refreezing, it is known as a graupel, ice pellets or snowgrains (or one could identify them as happy puffs of flake ;)).

Basically, snow is frozen water falling out of the sky in pretty shapes :)

Here are some of my own snowy pictures... taken just a few minutes ago

Everyone believes that there can never be two identical snowflakes, well they're WRONG. Someone found 2 indentitwined (made up word)  snowflakes, this person would have missed out on the fun of the snow looking for two identical snowflakes :S

DID YOU KNOW: for it to snow the top of a fluffy cloud (haven't decided if it's white yet) has to be 0˚C or 32˚F... i wonder why???

You can get blind because of snow, its called Snow Blindness :O because fresh snow reflect 90% of the sun's UV radiation...

Snowfall can also act as a thermal insulator in subfreezing temperatures and provides water for crop growth.(keeping plants warm in freezing conditions and giving them water)

But we mostly associate snow with recreational use.... SNOWFIGHTS, SNOWANGELS, SNOWMEN (snowomen as the case may be), SNOWBOARDING, SNOWSHOEING :D

so people, enjoy the snow while it lasts :D

The Blue Lagoon Iceland... te he 
I wanna go there :D


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