Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Google Fears...

Okay, so I'm looking for a picture for a new post about the vocal concert, which should appear after this one. I type in the words, 'I will not be afraid' because that was what the title was going to be, and it comes up with a picture

Sorry for the random picture. Anyway, this is one of the pictures it found in the search, try it, it should work. Anywhoooo, so i think to myself, yehhh that would be a good picture to have at the beginning, and i search 'fear'.
BLANK. (well actually, it just didn't change the page, it didn't do ANYTHING)
so i search 'cat' just to check that nothings wrong with the computer or internet.
then i search 'gear' because its quite close to the word fear.
i search 'fear' again.... BLANK
SO MY THEORY: Google is afraid of the word 'FEAR'
Unfortunately, my theory has ben proven wrong, i just tried it... it worked :(

So, sorry for the build-up and random, pointless post. It was truly exciting at the time. You should have been there. you know there's those moments, i can never seem to describe a moment or funny event properly, especially funny moments. You just have to be there to experience the moment, but don't worry, I'm working on it.

Keep Following

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