Friday, 14 October 2011

Hello World of Blogging.

Hello Readers of Amruni's blog.

Amruni would like me to point out that this is not her writing, but me, as she thinks I will write things that will make her sound like a freak. So, for clarity, I am Rachel, and she has kindly allowed me access to her blog. Well, she hasn't really but I'm on her laptop and it logs in automatically. Now I'm actually writing a blog post, I have no idea what to write about. I could write about clouds, but I doubt anyone is interested. Well, people might be interested in looking at pretty clouds, but obviously not many people are interested in knowing their names. Surely clouds want people to know their names? That is, if the names that we give them are their true names. Would it be better for a cloud to be known by a name that wasn't its own, or should a cloud just be happy that anyone bothers to name it?Of course, the entire concept that inanimate objects have true names is stolen from Eragon, but it does make sense. If one assumes that souls make sense. Which as I am no longer a true atheist, I can.  A cloud cannot be classified as an object though. The word 'object' implies something permanent. A cloud dissipates so quickly that it's more of a thing: the average life of a cloud is ten minutes. But then one thinks that a pavement is not an object, and that is undoubtedly a permanent thing. As is a nose. But if one tries to call a nose an object, it sounds strangely wrong. Maybe that's because a nose is attached to a body, making it only one part of a much larger system of 'things'.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling. If only one could blog on typewriters. That would be much more fun, typing's incredibly monotonous. It says that 'blog' is not a word. I wonder if I've spelt it wrong. Hmmm.
So farewell, world of blogging.
Hopefully, our paths will one again cross sometime in the foreseeable future.
It's quiz night tonight. What Fun!

Nice Song:



Anonymous said...

I like to think of it as individual, wondering cloud particles forming together to create the perfect momentary picture and then be swept away by the forces of the wind to make new acquaintances in hopes of meeting a familiar particle.

Unknown said...

i couldnt be bothered to read the cloud part soz...but rachel you are such a freak..does amruni know you wrote this?? o_O

Anonymous said...

Hmm interesting post Rachel... Why don't you start your own blog? xx

Anonymous said...

But why do the cloud particles want to find a familiar particle? Isn't the point of a cloud to discover new places and meet new particles? Why would they dissipate so quickly if they didn't get bored of each other? But that is a nice way of thinking about it.