Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Incy, Wincy Spider...

These aren't the most pleasing pictures to look at but I put a lot of courage and effort in standing still and putting the camera so close to this spider, SO you have to look at them now!

I've seen this spidey TWICE now, in my garden same place, he has a very big spider web. Unfortunately, everytime i attempt to take a picture of him from the front he crawls back to the fence. ODD

Here's a pretty rose in my garden, its REALLY tall

Keep Following....


Anonymous said...

Woah that spider is big!!

Anonymous said...

urgh. almost choked on drink. BLEURGGH. How could you?!! haha

Lehcar Swerdna said...

I have witnessed first hand how Amen can't stand spiders so I can totally believe that she almost choked. Very beautiful pictures <3 xx